Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My "Double Date" with Jae Hoon

Jae Hoon and I recently had a "double date" you could say with Kara and her conversation partner. We went to the BLUU and hung out in the Union Grounds area and got to talk with each other. I was informed that Kara's partner was from China while Jae Hoon is from South Korea. I never really realized how many different international students there are that come here and unlike Latin America (where everyone speaks Spanish of some form), everyone from Asia has their own dialects according to their country. It is so interesting how you can live so close to each other (like that in Europe) and have completely different languages surrounding you no matter where you go.

Our activities in Union Grounds included a failed attempt at playing Apples to Apples (the conversation partners aren't really familiar with American culture, which is completely expected yet necessary in order to play Apples to Apples) and a crazy game of Jenga in which Kara lost. I had a very interesting conversation with Jae Hoon during this time because he told me that he had recently gone out to Dallas the past weekend and had stayed at a friends Korean bar until 4 in the morning. I had no idea that Jae Hoon even was interested in going to bars! This whole conversation with him about this trip to Dallas really informed me that even if your from a different country, you still want to do that same things that I would do (such as take a trip to Dallas to go out and drink with friends).

I also recently saw some pictures that Jae Hoon put up on Facebook of he and his friends going to downtown Fort Worth and just walking the streets. I thought it was so cool to see him going out and doing stuff with his friends because I know he had told me before that he had wanted to do more things than just sit in his house alone all the time. I hope that he can continue to make lots of new friends in the coming months and get to truly experience all that TCU has to offer.

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