Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Culture Shock

Because my meetings with my IEP partner got cut a little short.... I was going to share a little bit about my travels to different countries and the experiences I have had there. I have been to Mexico, Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slavokia, Hungary, Japan and India and have had some of the most eye-opening experiences that I will always remember.

Possibly my most memorable experience (and one that I would most likely want to revisit someday) was my time in Japan. This culture was more different than any other I have ever visited. I remember the first thing anyone could say about Japan as we rode into Tokyo on a bus from the airport was that the cars were so small! Everyone was freaking out about the stupid cars. But in all honesty, as Americans, we are so used to big everything that this truly was a culture shock. Not only were the cars small, but when I walked into my hotel room, it looked like it was made for midget.

Although these few things that my friends and I noticed at the beginning of our trip sound stupid and trivial, Americans take for granted the "large" accommodations that we expect in our culture. Aside from these minor details, the culture was possibly the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. The architecture included some of the most beautifully designed buildings I have ever seen and I truly felt as though I was looking upon thousands of years of history right in front of me. The people were as nice as they could be and I have never met a group of people more respectful of who you are. People were intrigued by our race and were constantly looking at my blonde-haired, blue-eyed (white skin obviously) friend who looked like a goddess to the Japanese.

Ultimately this trip included so many new experiences that showed me so much about our world and how different life can be just across the ocean. I definitely plan on going back to Japan as soon as possible and hopefully be able to have an experience like this one again.